Android and iOS

Before You Begin

Download: Monument Apps

Suggested Article: What else do I need?

Suggested Article: Update Monument Software


Android and iOS Setup

Tip: Setup Video (YouTube)

Tip: Connect Monument to your TV/Monitor (not computer) with an HDMI cable
: On your iOS/Android device, connect to your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network
Tip: On your iOS/Android device, turn on your Bluetooth

  1. Open Monument App - Click "Start Using Monument"
  2. Select "Set up a new Monument"
  3. Enter your name and e-mail address
  4. Open your e-mail inbox

  5. Click "Verify your e-mail"

  6. Go back to the app and click "Continue"
  7. Your device will search for Monument over Bluetooth
  8. Your device will connect to Monument over Bluetooth
  9. Connect Monument to a TV/Monitor (not computer) with an HDMI cable

    Note: An HDMI connection is required only during setup
    Note: Some Monuments with updated firmware may not see this step

  10. If you do not have a HDMI cable, click "No" for an alternative update method

    Note: Please manually update the firmware using one of the following methods
    Suggestion: Update Firmware - USB Method
    Suggestion: Update Firmware - SD Card Method

  11. Note: Your iOS/Android device can connect back to 5.0GHz after setup is complete
    Note: If Ethernet is connected, you will not see this screen

  12. Select your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network

  13. Note: Your iOS/Android device can connect back to 5.0GHz after setup is complete
    Note: If Ethernet is connected, you will not see this screen

  14. Enter your Wi-Fi password
  15. Monument will now connect to your network
  16. Monument will now begin to initialize

  17. Monument will begin to download the latest firmware
  18. Monument will install the latest firmware

    Note:LED Indicator will color cycle several times. Please be patient.

  19. Connect your external USB hard drive
  20. The hard drive will initialize
  21. Select "Use As Storage"
  22. Select "Automatic" or "Manual" backup
  23. Click "Allow" to give Monument access to your photos
  24. Click "Finish"
  25. The following message is shown if "Automatic Upload" was selected
  26. The following message is shown if "Manual Upload" was selected
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